Our Farm story
Our farm is located in a place known as Delight, North Carolina (30 miles north of Shelby). The first ten years of our marriage we lived in the same house my great, great, grandfather built in 1870! In December 2009 we built a new house beside the old home place and we still live there today!
The farm has changed quite a bit in the last 150 years. In the early days the focus was just on survival for my great, great, great grandfather Charlie Lattimore. My grandfather, Charles Beam who also was an agriculture teacher developed a dairy farm. My father further expanded the dairy farm in his lifetime and named it Beam & Beam Farms. At one time in the 1980’s we were milking 100 Holsteins. After several very tough financial years and one year where no heifer calf was born alive, our herd numbers drastically decreased. When he passed in 1999, we were down to less than 30 cows and equipment which was 30+ years old. After much prayer and deliberation, we decided it was best to sell the few dairy cows we had remaining.
Beam Family Farms came into existence when Luke and Kathy Beam married and began their family’s beef journey in 1999. We started with 20 borrowed cows, a 200 year old farmhouse, and lots of prayer. It has turned into a proud family owned business. Our Beam Family's promise to you is to produce the highest quality grass grown beef and pastured pork and deliver remarkably lean cuts that are fresh, sustainable and healthy for your family. The animals on our farm are raised in pastures for the duration of their lifetime. Born in grass, raised on grass, finished on grass. This means no hormone injections, no antibiotics, no fattened up grain fed beef.
From a small beginning in 1999 of 20 crossbred cows owned entirely by my mother, we begin breeding to Gelbvieh bulls and growing a beef herd.
We have purchased several bulls over the years, First Jet, Hominy, Max, and Doctor. We trust the Gelbvieh breed. As of 2019, we have 70 Gelbvieh cross cows and bunches of baby calves running all over the place!
First Jet: The first Gelbvieh bull we purchased
Taco Belle: Our previous herd bull found on a small farm up in Big Mountain.